“Once I make the choice to cross that line, there is no going back...”
WARNING: this Event starts an Event Chain! Make sure you've gotten anything you want done before starting this Event, as you will not
have any freedom to travel or invite until the Chain is complete! The only recourse to correct your mistakes from this point forward
is to load a previous save!
You may still receive Affection and Lust rewards for Events completed in the Chain.
Upon fulfilling all Requirements, this Event automatically occurs on the first Friday on or after Day 558. This starts the Halloween Dorm Wars chain-event.
To miss this event
This event is not missable.
There are no choices in this event.
This event has no effects.anewwar1
This Event takes place in the following locations:
Ayane and Uta announce the contest for the second Dorm Wars and Sensei is allowed to stay during the announcement of the contest and match-ups this time. Ayane tries again to make everyone aware of the time loop, but Sensei tells her that everyone will see the truth once they’re on the rooftop after he prepared everyone for it, much to Maya’s annoyance. With that out of the way, Ayane and Uta announce the contests, but remind them that the competitions and time schedules for the second day are still incomplete.
Maya and Io will compete to see who can deliver the best ‘maid service’, though neither of them want to do it and try in vain to get out of it or have it done without spectators.
Miku and Uta will compete in a costume contest, which requires both to remain in character the entire war.
Ami and Kirin will have their contest decided later.