Shut Up & Cum

"Shut Up & Cum" is an Event for Maki Miyamura.

Previous Event: The Maltese Falcon


This Event takes place in the following locations:


The group's day at the resort passes by uneventfully, with Sensei spending a large majority of it alone as Haruka and Maki either nap or enjoy the resort's many amenities. He ponders to himself the pros and cons of having so much free time, getting so lost in thought that the sun starts to set before he realizes it.

He quickly finds the two girls and three return to their hotel room, where they attempt once again to fix Maki's slump.

Participating Characters


  • There is variation in the dialogue depending on if Sensei saw Bad Kitty.

Event References

  • Event Default Name = Shut Up & Cum
  • Event Script Name(s) = makihornytrip2
  • Event Missed Name = You Missed Something Again
  • Backgrounds

    The following background renders are used in this Event:

    • makipegsherhomie

    Music Tracks

    The following music tracks are used in this Event:

    • summerwind.mp3

    Event Changelog

    This Event was added in Update 0.32.