Såsom i en Spegel

Revision as of 02:17, 2 September 2022 by TofuMuncher (talk | contribs) (Added a Synopsis, and added a music track.)

"Såsom i en Spegel" is an Event for Kaori Kadowaki.

Previous Event: Clouds
Next Event: Wither



To get this event

Call Kaori at night

To miss this event

This event is not missable.


There are no choices in this event.




This Event takes place in the following locations:


Kaori is in a frenzy, as John has mysteriously disappeared while she was away at work. Sensei quickly makes his way over to her house to help find him. Upon stepping outside, though, both realize they have no idea where to begin looking. Kaori suggests they return to the alley where they first found him.

Arriving there, Sensei translates John's confused monologue to Kaori, before he's no longer able to understand him and the three of them return home.

Participating Characters


Event References

  • Event Default Name = Såsom i en Spegel
  • Event Script Name(s) = kaoridate20
  • Event Missed Name = This event is not missable.


The following background renders are used in this Event:

  • Unknown

Music Tracks

The following music tracks are used in this Event:

  • * sanctuary.mp3
  • letsfuckingo.mp3

Event Changelog

This Event was added in Update .23p2.