“Sometimes, it feels like I don’t really have any options either.”
WARNING: this Event is part of an Event Chain! You've lost all control over your own actions and must now sit back while
someone else takes the wheel. Enjoy the ride while it lasts, and hope that you did things right before taking the plunge!
“I’m begging you!”
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Returning home, Sensei finds a dolphin standing in his living room, causing him to think that he hit his head harder than he thought. However, it turns out to be Sana in her Halloween costume. Ayane also has her costume, which Sensei is surprised to note is also unrevealing. She, Sana, Ami, and Maya will be staying overnight and watching scary movies — Sensei is invited to join them, but he already already has plans.
Sensei will mention how Sana loves horror movies when Ayane mentions their slumber party. Ayane's surprised he knows this, since Sana's only told that to a few close friends.
Event References
Event Default Name = Sexy Land
Event Script Name(s) = halloween5
Event Missed Name = This event is not missable.
The following background renders are used in this Event:
Music Tracks
The following music tracks are used in this Event: