Soundtrack: Difference between revisions

(Initial soundtrack list, with the tracks I could find info about (from the file metadata))
Tag: visualeditor
(No difference)

Revision as of 21:12, 21 January 2021

File name Track title Artist Comments
BloodAndSunset.mp3 血と夕焼け watson Used at the start of the game
BlueAir.mp3 Blue Air 相模原装甲侍女樂団
Cafe.mp3 柔らかな嘘 watson Cafe theme
Calmbar.mp3 朝露の小庭 watson Bar theme
christmasyay.mp3 Christmas Party Aleksandr Shamaluev Christmas event BGM
CityLife.mp3 City Life Aryll Fae Porn Shop theme
closeto.mp3 closeto SougetsuOn
Contemplation.mp3 watson
HammockOfPeace.mp3 平和のハンモック watson Shrine theme
HappyandPlotting.mp3 キミにあげる! watson
highspeedprinter.mp3 hsp* Ramine Sports field/Miku theme
ibelieve.mp3 刻星 watson
ibuki.mp3 森の息吹 Azell Currently unused
iloveyou.mp3 森の記憶 watson
JustBeHappy.mp3 希望の青 watson
letsfuckingo.mp3 プラスチックアドベンチャー watson
love.mp3 Loveable Bensound
Mall.mp3 電脳漂流記 watson Mall theme
memories.mp3 Memories Azell
morningmoon.mp3 Morning Moon 相模原装甲侍女樂団 Library/Futaba theme
NormalDay.mp3 ハミングデイズ watson
oldweather.mp3 昔の深夜の天気予報 Azell
PhantomThief.mp3 ブレンド watson
prisoner.mp3 prisoner SougetsuOn Currently unused
retrospect.mp3 retrospect #1 Ramine
soda.mp3 ソーダ水の水面にて - ループ部 Azell
stopwind.mp3 風の止んだ場所 真島こころ
strawberry.mp3 イチゴの恋心 Azell
SweetVermouth.mp3 Sweet vermouth watson
yumiska.mp3 不遇のヒーロー 369 Yumi theme